Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Brief Tour of Nkhoma

New Hope Church has been working with World Renew who has been working with Nkhoma Relief and Development (NRD) who has been working in the communities of Kamanzi. NRD is a development branch of one of the Synods of the Presbyterian Church in Malawi (CCAP), the headquarters of which are in, you guessed it, Nkhoma, Malawi.

Since some of the NRD workers had to pick up a few things in back at their office, we joined them to see where all the magic happens on Saturday. One of our drivers has been Weston, the new NRD treasurer. Jane, who New Hope met a year and a half ago works out of the office and her boss, John, was there too.

The offices are just down the road from where the CCAP has a beautiful church, a seminary (where Jane's late husband taught), and basically synod headquarters.

 (Jane's brother authored this children's book "The Young Antelope's Party)

Perhaps the most surprising part of our trip to Nkhoma was the presence of mountains - they are some and they are quite beautiful. And green.

Jane gave us the tour of the local market where we all bought swathes of cloth and where Ken and Zaak at doughnuts.

(see the goats tied to the back of this bike, man they were loud!)

Jane then treated us to some refreshments at her home just across the street from the NRD offices and the market.


  1. nice pics Z... thanks for the update. Missin the family by now I imagine?

  2. How were the donuts? The family's missing zaak that's for sure :)

  3. Thanks John. I'm running a little behind on the blog - getting in so late every night.

    Ken and I have mild addictions to the donuts. More like fritters I guess. We've sampled from several parts of Malawi now and we consider ourselves quite the connoisseurs.

    Missing the family? YES. Very happy that I will see them in a couple days.
